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Tranquil Thoughts Bouquet


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Product price: $84.99
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Categories: , SKU: TTB4582


The Tranquil Thoughts Bouquet features delicate blooms in calming hues, carefully chosen to convey a sense of peace and serenity. Soft lavender roses, serene blue hydrangeas, and pure white lilies harmonize in an elegant dance, creating a visual symphony that reflects the profound nature of tranquil thoughts. Complemented by lush greenery, this arrangement exudes a quiet beauty that speaks to the heart.

Expertly arranged by our compassionate florists, the Tranquil Thoughts Bouquet is more than a collection of flowers; it is a gesture of support and understanding. Whether presented as a comforting gift to a grieving friend or as a tasteful tribute at a memorial service, this bouquet offers a touch of solace and a reminder that even in times of sorrow, beauty can be found. Embrace the healing power of flowers with this heartfelt arrangement, extending your deepest condolences with grace and compassion.

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Dimensions 14.5 × 14.5 × 14.5 in

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